Times flies fast doesn't it? Feels like its just yesterday I have met you. Laughing with your lame & unlame jokes. Haha. Remember the times when we went to IMM? And when we're on the way back home, I was acting rather clumsily in front while you and Salbiah was behind and I was swinging my hand it hit this Bangla? Haha, can you remember his face expression?! That was so funny! And thanks to you & salbiah for laughing -.- It helps like.... er..a lot. Haha, but things like this is very very good to be kept as memories, don't you think so? Remember the times when we was starving but we don't have any money? Then we start to have all those impossible plans. Haha, darn that's funny!
And you know what I (or we) can't forget the most in you?
Your wide wide smile. Your super lame & unlame jokes. & last but not least, your english accents! You really have to hang on there Ishak. You really have too. Allah is testing you and what we can do to help is to doa and continue encouraging you so that you won't easily give up. (though I know you usually do!) No one in this world live a minute in his/her life without a problem.
You have to recover soon Ishak! This is not an optional thing. Its COMPULSARY! You understand or not? Haha, alright till we meet Ishak!
Wassalam (:
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