Exams over? You guys rocks kan? Come back down now! HAHA. Except for Sec 5's from Irsyad, good luck for your O'level Mt Paper later! Insyallah, you guys will score very well. YMH will always doa kan yang terbaik, amin (:
so anyway, last Saturday, we had Movie Screening about this movie, i forgot the title. But it was very very good! You guys should have watch it manx. What a waste. Islam is wonderful, who else can beat? Cheh, okay la so random. Anyway it's Aishah's 14th Birthday! Supposed to be celebrating along with Aida, Johan & Anaz. But three of them did not turned up, so Aishah was the only one who cut the cake :) Alright, May babies, good luck in your future endeavors and we wish you all the best! Amin.
& oh, let's thank Salbiah & Abang Fadh for the canadian pizza treat on saturday! They are lovely la. Sakinah je wasted tk makan pizza. Sedih :( Haha, abeh lepas tu smue rebut Sakinah nye pizza. LOL ah korang. Then after that, Arfina & Aqilah plak yang rebut for the left over cake, haix. TOTALLY NO COMMENT. haha :)
Who is getting married on 6th of June huh?
Alhamdulilah, our YDO at last akan kahwin juga. Insyallah semue akan berjalan dengan lancar. Itu la abang fadh, kan da banyak sngt youth smpi kendarat pun dapat lebih daripade yg perlu. Haha, and ohh don't worry abang fadh, we will be there :D :D :D
alright, wassalam (:
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