Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Assalamualaikum (:

On Friday, May 15th, few Mosques such as Assyakirin, Al-Mukminin, Tentera Di Raja, Ar-Raudah, Darusslam, Al-Khair and Hasnah come together to held a Qiyam at Hasanah. It was a great success I think.

The Hasanah's Youth members don't know how does the whole things goes actually. But due to the place where it was held, which was Hasanah, we have to helped things out. I think it was great. The girls & boys do put their effort in everything!

The supports received was quite awesome. The sharing session and late night sleep was fun. Our youths slept around 2+ due to some things that we have to get settled. (: Pictures at Mr. Izzad, will post it up upon receiving alright.

Wassalam (:

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