Salam all.
Last friday. 3 of the youth members came down to paint the youth room! Well we manage to do a lot of things on that day actually.
Firstly, since its a day before our Recycling Day, we HAVE to go door-by-door to put the posters at their door. It was of course troublesome but effing fun & enjoyable! Abg Fadh, Ahsan, Me & Salbiah was in charge of different blks. Group into 2 and challenged each other. Oh well, can't deny that guy is always faster then girls (so obvious la kan!). They won for the first few blocks but not the last one! Boohoo. Haha, okay nothing to be proud about la seh, stakat satu je. The weather was hot toooo! Hishk, tkle angkat.
Right after all those runnings and laughings we had together. We decided to paint out youth room. Well, three of the girls. Salbiah, Arfina and me.We had a very rough time opening the can because Abg Fadh has gone down to do his Asar prayers. And we, upstairs struggling to open the can. We make use of everything in the office which was hard and at last we manage to open the can! But........................................ the paint fall! &&& terkene carpet! Teros smue terpekik-pekik mcm ape. Cepat2 alas sekali Abg fadh masuk smue da mcm.. err nothing abg fadh, nothing. Hahahaah, tapi at last Abg Fadh yang sungguh baik hati tu gie hilang kan paint yg sudah tertumpah tu :D
And yang perempuan pun ape lagi, pain the walls la! Heheh.
Tapi belum habis pun, tak sampai setengah room tu pun! Hishk, going to sambung this coming Thursday. Siape nk datang? Dipersilakan (exclude outisders lah)..
Wslm! (:
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