Anw, on 14th February, YM@Hasanah organised a Movie Screeening base on true story movie at conference room, level 3 @ Masjid Hasanah. We received great support from all those supprotive youths out there! Alhamdulilah =)
The Movie that has been screened was Kallang Roar. A very exciting story about perseverence, resilience and many other motives that the story was supposed to show.
It was afterall a great day. And thanks to the ladies for bringing some food for everyone to eat on that day (: Amin.
Right after the event our Football Team has a friendly match against Masjid Al-Mukminin. And i got to know that the score was an okay-okay one la. Well you guys should not give up eventhough you guys win or lose. The thing that already make us happy is that you guys would spare some of your time representing our Mosque for the friendly match. That's already enough. But of course we are slowly aiming for more. Insya`Allah! YO GO GUYS! Ha ha.
While they are having their friendly match, 3 of our Youths Exco when to Darul Syifa' again to pay them a visit. It has been quite a long time since we when there. Well, why not? So Salbiah, Arfina and me decided to head down to Darul Syifa` on that day since it wasn't that far from our place. Salbiah bought them clothes which makes them so happy. I was gratified looking at them. Same faces smiling when they saw us. We really can see that they are really happy to see us. We admit that 3 of us was quite close to Nek Jamilah & Nek Gaya. Nek Gaya is super cute! And she told us that most of the patients over there asked her for our pictures since Arfina & Me has onced gave them. So we took another round of picture with them and decided to wash it for them and give them one day, insya`Allah.
Anyway guys on 21st of February which is on the next saturday please come down to Masjid Hasanah as we're having our Reycling day. For more details please refer to the Poster under 'upcoming events' on top.
Thank you :)
& Wasslam
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