Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Few good videos

Salam. I know the song is rather old. But this song really means a lot to me. And I hope you guys could spare some of your time focusing on the lyrics of the songs. For someone actually. You know, I know.

Assalamualaikum :)

Monday, July 27, 2009

Setelah Lama Menghilang


Juwina di sini. (okay la selalu nye pun Juwina jugak pun, tak gune cakap lagi) Okay xzxz.

Hasanah dah senyap? Hishk takdela. Cume tengah break ni. Activity pun tengah rehat la sekejap. Masih sedih dgn ape yang kite sedang hadapi. But oh well, janji yang kite smue ade dgn Abg Fadh tetap hidup! So, hmm yeah (: Cik Razak said that we will be having a new YDO, but yeah everyone is still guessing who is it, but won't be able to figure it out till they inform us. Cik Rani said it was a suprise for us. Huhu~

Alright, anyway. Few updates. Hasanah kalah for badminton in the final. But alhamdulilah, sekurang-kurangnye dpat msuk final. Betul? (betol......) Okay so Tahniah kepade sesiape yang main waktu final. (sorry eh ana dtg lmbt on tht day heh)

And yeap, on Sunday, few of the youths, Kak Fina, Salbiah, Fina and Me went to Mcpharson CC as early as 8AM to helped out with the Blessings-To-All Event. Semue happy walao pun lapar. Juwina malu seh sorang pkai tudung hitam. Yang lain semue pakai pink. Sampai satu pakcik tegur. Ala maklum la, orang tengah tk kisah dengan ape yang terjadi di sekelilingnye lah kate kan. Huhu~ (Biarlah Allah sahaja la yang tau)

Chehhhhhh. Okay, anyway jangan lupe CPR, 1st August, 8pm-10pm.
Sampai ketemu, inyallah.

; and juwina tk bleh upload gamba! :( maaf.


Thursday, July 16, 2009

new programe

Assalamualaikum :)

Since I'm bored (like super bored) right now. Am going to tell you guys about the new column that I will add soon. It will contain videos of maybe me, Salbiah and Fina (and maybe the rest of the youth members) sharing information regarding Islam. So, do keep visiting. Plus, am doing a new layout for this site but i am really out of ideas. (urgh) okay tkpe, insyallah motivasi nya akan datang. Haha, chehhhhh~ okay listen to this song!

wassalam! :D

Monday, July 13, 2009

Muis Open House Duty

Assalamualaikum! :D

On sunday, Salbiah, Arfina and Me (well in case you don't know, am Juwina heh) went to Muis Building to do our duty. Reached and completely lost and don't know what to do. Hah. Decided to open up our own booth to teached kids how to make a heart origami. But ya, most of the time I did not teached them. (hm ok wait. tak silap i did not even teached any of the kids except for Salbiah hahahah kid eh tu?) so hmm ya, those who was at the booth itself came from hmm don't know what masjid but Kak Aida was there, hehe :D And saw hmm Ustad Fairuz. Haha, they entertained us to the max la. Super fun.

And besides that 3 of us had fun at Irsyad's Carnival. Sebelah-sebelah je kan. Maklum la :D Haha, free coupon lagi! Thank you Abg Syamsul, Kak Sarina & Sidiq Sec 5 :D Then dapat tngk irsyadee peforming. cool gile. & i don't know that Hafiz Hamidun was over there toooooo! hishk. Ah k itu je la.

And hmm don't forget to turn up for the upcoming CPR, 1 August @ SIH (thank you Salbiah!) +++ (ni penting, perlu ambil tau!) ade Ustad Amin (!) (okay yg ini tk penting sngt ah heh) & ade Didicazli. Okay so hmm turn up ah kay! :)

& i'm working with a new layout for this blog but i need the time. hmm, what color ah? suggestions please..... :)



Assalamualaikum (:

juwina back in action (cehhhh) haha. -(sungguh tk perlu. i know!)

On saturday, Hasanah Chairman, Cik Abdul Razak wanted to meet us for a short discussion about the youth. And since the bad news is, Abg Fadh is leaving Hasanah :( He will be working at Bartley Secondary and so we will have to wait and see who will be the next YDO. Sad news for us. (especially me, i cried!) But still, everything that comes always have to go. He have his own personal reasons and so, we're suppose to respect it. Despite the fact that he is leaving, he told us that he will still be coming for the activities. And he is still planning for our future activities when he is not here with us again. I'm so proud to have him as Hasanah's Ydo :) But well, our promise to Abg Fadh is we will continue to be active in Masjid eventhough he will not be with us anymore. So hmm ya, I shall try to keep this blog as 'hidop' as possible. hah :D

What a big side track! So anyway, on Saturday, the meeting was a short one. And hmm,kinda great. Cause every youth came down together to discuss and hmm ya, felt so...... glad and hmm ya fun. (okay this should stop haha)

Tuition after that. And end of the day.

Wassalam! (:

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Badminton Competition 5 july 2009

Salam. Salbiah here. well, yesterday we had our badminton competition. Heard from the players that it was kinda tough. the girls played from 9am to about 1pm. the double player was: Amirah Aisyah and Amirah K. the single player was Muslihah Murdifi. as for the guys, we only have a single player. he is Fuad. the girls did their best. Al-mukminin girls have pull the double player in the semi-final. whereas Darul Ghufran girl has pull our single player. And as for the guys, there is the mosque (i cant remember) pull fuad down.

well, players. its okay. we can try harder next year. overall, what i can see. you guyus did your best! GOOD JOB HASANAH!! everyone went home before fuad's turn to play. except for me and fina. well, both of us were cheering for fuad. "GO FUAD!! YOU CAN DO IT!!" after he has done, we continue to cheer for different mosque. to us, we dun mind cheering for people. like what people say: in every game, there is a winner and a loser. everyone did their best. overall, everyone from every mosque has done their best. GOOD JOB EVERYONE!!!!

okay. finale will be on 25 July 2009 at Jurong East Sports Complex. see you guys and girls there!! :)

Youth Discussion

Salam. well, its me Salbiah. i will be replacing juwina for today. coz she has not been with us this few days due to her adik nyer cukor rambot. sob sob. we miss you girl. okay. as per normal, we will be having our youth discussion every saturdy at 10am. well, that day we were re-capping on what we have learnt about Islam. the malaikat, hell, heaven and etc. well, came a clever person who taught us that day, abg fad. he asked us this question: apabila hari kiamat dtg, syaitan akan dimasukkan ke dalam api neraka. tetapi bagaimana syaitan dapat merasakan keperitan api neraka itu sedangkan kedua-duanya diperbuat dari api? sedang kan apabila api campur dgn api, api itu akan menjadi besar? jadi bagaimana? then he asked this hamba Allah yg dhaif lagi hina which is me to answer this question. coz almost everyone was stunned.

Ada seorang pemuda yang lama belajar di luar negeri kembali ke tanahair dengan angkuh dan sombong. Di dalam benak kepalanya telah lama tersimpan3 pertanyaan yang dianggapnya tiada siapa yang boleh menjawab. Satu hari beliau bertemu seorang imam tua di kampungnya.

Pemuda: Pak imam apakah boleh menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan saya?

Pak Imam : Saya hamba Allah dan dengan izin-Nya saya akan menjawab pertanyaan kamu!

Pemuda: Pak imam yakin? Profesor dan banyak orang pintar yang saya tanya tidak mampu menjawab pertanyaan saya.

Pak Imam: Saya akan mencuba sejauh kemampuan saya, insya'Allah.

Pemuda: Saya ada 3 pertanyaan
1. Kalau benar Tuhan itu ada, tunjukan kewujudan Tuhan kepada saya?
2. Apakah yang dinamakan TAKDIR?
3. Kalau syaitan diciptakan dari api, kenapa mereka dimasukkan ke neraka yang dibuat dari api, tentu tidak menyakitkan buat syaitan, sebab mereka memiliki unsur yang sama. Apakah Tuhan tidak pernah berfikir sejauh itu?

Dengan sepontan Pak Imam tersebut menampar pipi si Pemuda itu dengan amat kuat.

Pemuda (sambil menahan sakit) : Kenapa pak imam marah kepada saya?

Pak Imam : Saya tidak marah... Tamparan itu adalah jawapan saya untuk 3 pertanyaan yang awak tanyakan kepada saya.

Pemuda : Saya amat tidak faham...??

Pak Imam : Bagaimana rasanya tamparan saya?

Pemuda : Tentu saja saya merasakan sakit dan pedih...!!

Pak Imam : Jadi awak percaya bahwa sakit itu ada?Pemuda : Ya....!

Pak Imam : Tunjukan pada saya ujudnya sakit itu atau macam mana rupanya?

Pemuda : Tak boleh pak imam...!!!

Pak Imam : Itulah jawapan kepada pertanyaan pertama awak, kita semua merasakan kewujudan Tuhan itu tanpa mampu melihat kewujudanNya.

Pak Imam : Adakah malam tadi awak bermimpi atau telah tahu saya akan menampar awak?

Pemuda : Tidak....!!?

Pak Imam : Apakah awak pernah terfikir akan menerima sebuah tamparan dari saya hari ini?

Pemuda : Tidak....!!!?

Pak Imam : Itulah yang dinamakan TAKDIR!

Pak Imam : Terbuat dari apakah tangan yang saya gunakan untuk menampar awak ini?

Pemuda : Kulit dan daging...!!!

Pak Imam : Terbuat dari apakah pipi awak itu...?

Pemuda : Kulit dan daging....!!!??

Pak Imam : Bagaimana rasanya tamparan saya?

Pak Imam : Itulah...! Walaupun Syaitan terbuat dari api dan Neraka terbuat dari api, Jika Tuhan berkehendak maka Neraka akan jadilah ia tempat yang menyakitkan untuk syaitan.... walaupun sama unsur asalnya...!!

Pemuda : Allahuakbar!

p/s: sorry takde gambar..