On sunday, Salbiah, Arfina and Me (well in case you don't know, am Juwina heh) went to Muis Building to do our duty. Reached and completely lost and don't know what to do. Hah. Decided to open up our own booth to teached kids how to make a heart origami. But ya, most of the time I did not teached them. (hm ok wait. tak silap i did not even teached any of the kids except for Salbiah hahahah kid eh tu?) so hmm ya, those who was at the booth itself came from hmm don't know what masjid but Kak Aida was there, hehe :D And saw hmm Ustad Fairuz. Haha, they entertained us to the max la. Super fun.
And besides that 3 of us had fun at Irsyad's Carnival. Sebelah-sebelah je kan. Maklum la :D Haha, free coupon lagi! Thank you Abg Syamsul, Kak Sarina & Sidiq Sec 5 :D Then dapat tngk irsyadee peforming. cool gile. & i don't know that Hafiz Hamidun was over there toooooo! hishk. Ah k itu je la.
And hmm don't forget to turn up for the upcoming CPR, 1 August @ SIH (thank you Salbiah!) +++ (ni penting, perlu ambil tau!) ade Ustad Amin (!) (okay yg ini tk penting sngt ah heh) & ade Didicazli. Okay so hmm turn up ah kay! :)
& i'm working with a new layout for this blog but i need the time. hmm, what color ah? suggestions please..... :)
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