Well,hello! I must say,it's quite exciting to be the co-administrator of this blog. Personally, I've never blogged before and this is my first foray into blogging.hee.
Anyway,my name is Ishak and I'm called upon to add words to the spice that our dear Juwina has already implemented. So,get out your dictionary because reading this blog has just got more challenging!
So,we had water rumble on March 14th which was yesterday,and it was fun,though I did not participate with the reason being lack of extra clothing. But I'm sure they had fun. Really. Abg Fad is soo good at bringing fun to HasanahYouth. After that we had tuition. And then some of our members hung out at the newly(and nearly)-refurbished youth room. We crapped around a lot,really.Oh,and the two violent sisters(Sayyidah and Sa'diah) beat me up(sympathy,anyone?)
And today,well,some of our members were part of the maulidurrasul celebrations by Madrasah Hasanah.I was there,though I didn't participate.It was brilliant,comedic and outright stupendous. Juwina and Hafiz were good with their hosting(take a bow,both of you),Fahmi was good too,although he was only a crew.Salbiah's nasyid group was good too.They(or rather,SHE) were comedic(I leave it to you to ponder why I would call a nasyid performance comedic.Okay,Mr Nashrul wasn't bad actually).
We had lunch after the maulidurrasul celebrations.Fahmi and me shared one tray of rice together while the others took four people to share one tray.Ye,kami mengaku.Kami adalah anak2 yang gelojoh dan wajar dihukum.After that we hung out at the youth room again and crapped.again. Hey,we are young muslims,yes. BUT WE ARE TEENAGERS TOO.SO WE DO CRAP SOMETIMES.
And as youths,we love music.So currently I'm addicted to We The Kings' Skyway Avenue.Fahmi is addicted to any malay love song available.Sayyidah is addicted to Taylor Swift's Love Story.Salbiah is addicted to her own rendition of Demi Masa.I don't know what the other youths are addicted to,but I'm sure they all must have some song of some sort in their heads.This IS normal.
Asal jangan lupa nak baca Qur'an sudah.Betul tak abang Fad?
My post ends here.Many more to come from me.Ila huna faqad muhaasabati.Ilalliqa'.
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