Our Host for the day, Ishak & Abg Fuad.

Youth Hasanah, chehh mcm proud gitu type ^_^

Irsyadians singing.

On the way to darul syifa.

Kay who is the guy beside Sadik/Sidiq (ah whatever) name ah? Semangat kan die! Practice lagi dalam bus, hee hee.

And also Arif, A'lim and the rest la ye..

Ustad Faisal was there with us! & with Abg fadh ;D

Aww, Abg Fadh so sweet. Kate YDO Hasanah per.. :D:D

Abg Fuad singing solo.

What should i name this event? Haha.

That Nenek in front was dressed by my group. Hehe, cantik tak.

Ishak interviewing the Nenek I think..

Ni due malu2 kucing. Haha

Fashion ape ni ah? Haha. Baju Kebaya eh?

Ahsan being dressed up by Ustad faisal and gang. Ishk, tk baik bully budak kecik tu.

Fahmi says this outfit is for "Perang Uhud". Haha

Arif being dressed up.

Sadiq/Siddiq (ok i know, stop scolding me!) being dressed up. Die la yang paling tutup aurat.. haha. Tapi tk pkai seluar! Ape sahaje.

Zahira eh name die? Ah ye kan je la..

Ni dipanggil Miss Universe, hhaha mirasyeh mirasyeh...

Cantik tk budak2 Irsyad? Hehe.

My Group. Okay stop laughing. and stop looking at me!

Name die Syafiqah eh? Entah la.. tapi cutekan outfit die!

Aqiilah a.k.a Siti Nurhaliza *coughs* haha.

Semue rajin2 kan nk buat event ni 'live'. woohoo.

Hafidz blur. Haha.

yey Ustad Faisal & ahsan!

Salam all....
So everyone was gratified with the events up during our Visit to Darul Syifa' right?
Well since you guys are almost speechless, what makes you guys think i got words to say left over here? ha ha. Okay no.
I myself (Nurjuwina) said that the outing was exciting, fun-going, pleased, sad, happy and of course i wish everyone had fun with the Nenek's & the Atok's.
The performance by a group of Irsyadians was awesome. Too bad no one actually had a video of it. You guys should watch it man! Okay ill try to get it from anyone.
Err.... lets the pictures do the talking alright?
Wslm (:
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