Thursday, December 25, 2008

Serve Me Motor Workshop

(Marha-marha! "Abg fadh's favourite word")

(Eh? Ni host yg mane satu pula? Kan ada 2 aje. Asal ade satu sesat ni? Heheee)

(sempat kan kiteorg ketik gamba! Heeheeeeeee :DD Ni Abg Fadh yg ambil tau, die nk revenge la katekan haha!)

(happy nye muke-muke YDO ni... Haha!)

(thats real parts at the inner parts of Motor tau, jangan main-main! :D)

(the reason why i put this picture up is becausee....... Abg Fadh is wearing the t-shirt that we bought for him for his birthday! How sweet ^_^)

Salam all.

This event was called 'Serve Me Motor Workshop'. It is a very good start for us. The talk was awesome. Both of their hosts are very cheerful. And as a result, it makes us happy too! Alhamdulilah. Though we did not manage to get much support, i hope on the next event(s) coming up, there would be more supports from all of you Youths all over Sinagpore! :)

Thank you Host-host for the talk (:


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