here is some pictures taken during the 3days 2nights soccer camp last friday-sunday. hope the pictures explains everything! i don't know a thing. hehe :D
hehe, last Friday, the boys manage to sell every dadih that me made! hmm, 60 dadih kalau tk silap. great one! nak rase tk? datang la time smbhyang Jumaat, hehe :D
Few days back, boys from the sepak takraw team did some spring cleaning to our youth room! Rajin kan (: (ok jgn tanye pmpan dkt mane eh, drng tengah sbok buat dadih :D) Alright, so hehe, bye! wslm.
(yes it is still juwina who is posting about the qiyam even though she did not turned up for the qiyam. ah great. now tell me what should I type? alright maybe a little)
From what I heard wass.....
1) They played volleyball while sitting? Had no idea how the play it. But kalau tk silap few of the pictures above ade la. Pandai-pandai la point it out.
2) Ade Movie Screening eh? Tros Ustad Selamat (YDO Al-Mukminin) kate sambung the next day. Not sure what movie.
Okay, da itu je Juwina tau. Hehe sorry. Enjoy the pictures! (: wsslm.
So anyway, most of the YMH attend to the launching of Myspex at Muis and the talked from the Suchi Organisation was awesome. Rock on \m/ And the breakfast break food was delicious, amin. Haha :D
Then together with other youths, we went to West Ball at Clementi (or is it west coast?) ah pape la. Dekat jugak ;) Congratulations to Masjid Al-Mukminin for winning the 2nd place for the beliawanis. Hasanah ape plak? (paham-paham je la ye) HAHA. Had fun :)
Abang Fadh tkde..... tapi tkpe. Kite tetap bersemangat. Tanye ah Youth Al-Mukminin kalau tk caye :P :P :P