Hello,world. You should probably get your dictionaries all out because this is Ishak Johari posting. I do promise to at least use a little wee bit of malay in this post. So here goes.
Well, there were no activities of late done by us youth because basically it was all revise, revise, and more revise. Biasalah, peperiksaan nak dekat. But we did have a treasure hunt though today. And yeah,it was fun although there were mistakes,mainly made by Ishak Johari, who lost one small box of choclates during the process of hiding sixteen boxes. So the participants could only find fourteen boxes (I hid the fifteenth box in my stomach,that is to say,I ate it). So that's all that happened for today.We had tuition later,and then we had lunch at Teban Garden market.
While waiting for Abang Fad and Ustaz Faisal,Salbiah had this impression that the four of us (Me,Idayu,Salbiah and Juwina) looked like runaway kids. And then e started calling each other by family nicknames. I was Along, Salbiah was Angah, Juwina was Alang and Idayu became Busu.
Lepas itu Abang Fad dan Ustaz Faisal pun sampai.And then we ate like paupers because 1) We actually had to plan what food to buy with only fourteen dollars 2)Time makan Muka semua nampak sedih.
Enough talking.Pictures now.

Juwina eating,while holding on to her bag.Betul macam budak lari rumah.

Idayu concentrating.She seldom concentrates while eating so
she must've been very hungry I guess.

Salbiah actually had Bandung.From her own money of course.
The rest who were penniless had to settle on Big Gulp instead.

Abg Fad kasi ceramah.Iknow.Sempat sey.Hee.

Ustaz Faisal actually had to scrape for the last pieces of rice.

I can explain this.This is actually the Big Gulp that we had.We finished it
so Abg Fad was being emo because we left only ice cubes for him. Haha.
And on the way home,three of our youths discovered something amazing.Rainbows on benches!

Lawa kan?
That's it for today I think.Any more posts will be done by Juwina.
Post Ends.